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How To Get Rid Of Facebook New Chat?

Most among you will not be happy with Facebook new chat like me. As it seems weird & you can't see all your online friends. I'm not telling about any trick or hack, it's just a way by which you can easily chat with your friends.
Go to this link
Here you can easily chat with your friends.
For better convenience, bookmark this link.
Do whatever you want in Facebook while opening Facebook popout chat in one tab.

How To Add Meta Description For Each Blogger Post?

Adding meta description for each blogger post is the important factor in SEO. It helps in better understanding of your posts while searching in Google. Follow these steps:
Login to Blogger.
Backup your template.
Go to Design> Edit HTML
Find the code:
<data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>
Paste the following code below above code:

So your new code will become like:
<data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>

Preview it & Save Template.
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